The Showroom

Book Launch at KALEID Editions: Ulises Carrión: Gossip, Scandal and Good Manners

Friday 2 July 2010, 6–9pm

KALEID Editions host the launch of a publication designed by Fraser Muggeridge Studio to accompany the exhibition Ulises Carrión: Gossip, Scandal and Good Manners. This provides documentation of the exhibition, project and events programme, together with newly commissioned texts setting Carrión’s work in context.

  1. Event Book Show and Book

  2. Uc_exhibit_2010_image_1
    Exhibition Gossip, Scandal and Good Manners: Works by Ulises Carrión

  3. Event Lilia Prado Festival

  4. Event 45 Revolutions per Minute

  5. Event My name is Ulises. What’s yours?

  6. Uc_exhibit_2010_image_3
    Event Performance by Martha Hellion and Martha Hawley