The Showroom

Continental Afrofutures Lecture One: Laingian Science Fiction

The first in a series of six lectures presented by Kodwo Eshun as close readings of overlooked Continental Afrofuture fictions.

Eshun begins with a lecture on novelist Kojo Laing's 'Major Gentl and the Achimota Wars'. Published in 1992 and set in 2020, Laing's third novel envisions a condition of total war known as the Second War of Existence in which insects, birds, fruit, animals, vegetables and the humans of Achimota City wage a war for the right to futurity against an overseas enemy only discernible through proxies and decoys.

Continental Afrofutures is a series of lectures presented by Kodwo Eshun on overlooked Continental Afrofuture fictions (February - December 2016). Eshun will argue that works of fiction that have and continue to invent African futures do exist across the African continent despite arguments that Afrofuturisms are diasporic projects produced in places like the UK and USA.