The Showroom

Film looking at The Showroom's local work

A film about The Showroom directed by Lawrence Barraclough of Up Close Films, produced by Media Trust and funded by John Lyons Charity.

  1. Image001
    Event 365 Days of Invisible Work

  2. Screen_shot_2016-06-09_at_15.17.12
    Exhibition Communal Knowledge at Work

  3. Showroom_-_uriel_tincture-ointment_workshop_dan_weill_photography-154
    Event Putting the Medicinal Garden to Use

  4. Showroom-medicinal_garden-uriel_dan_weill_photography-58
    Event Medicinal garden launch and tour with Uriel Orlow and Michael Heinrich

  5. Wwy_flyer_front_small
    Event People Make Videos Open Workshop

  6. Pmv_cover
    Text People Make Videos, a manual for making community videos

  7. Kk1_7647
    Exhibition Koki Tanaka: Provisional Studies: Action #5 Conceiving the Past, Perceiving the Present

  8. Koki_tanaka-12
    Event Koki Tanaka: Precarious Tasks #15: Exchange of Our Clothes and Books as Exchanging Our Body and Thoughts (Reconfiguration)

  9. Church_street_market_end_of_day_contrast_fix
    Event Koki Tanaka: Night Market Revisited from 19th Century to Take a Stand

  10. Kk1_7867
    Event Koki Tanaka: Eating the History, Reflecting the Present (Whose Victory?)

  11. Kk1_7827
    Event Koki Tanaka: Reading Aloud People's Names in the Community

  12. Palmer_tyre_company
    Event Koki Tanaka: Local History Research Tour Towards The Green Man Pub